ASSIGNMENT 8: Research and Analysis Review the agency and data presented in this section. Discuss one strength and one weakness of qualitative research. Then, imagine that you are using Grounded Theo

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ASSIGNMENT 8: Research and Analysis

Review the agency and data presented in this section. Discuss one strength and one weakness of qualitative research. Then, imagine that you are using Grounded Theory to develop a theory to explain a particular issue or dynamic experienced by the people served by the agency. Read the transcripts of the interviews conducted for the study and create 3-4 initial codes to categorize the content/themes of the interviews.

Use the agency and/or data to explain how Theoretical Saturation, Thick Descriptions, and Thin Descriptions work in qualitative research.

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  • Your assignment should be between 250-325 words in length (typically, one to one and half double-spaced pages), not counting cover page, reference list page, appendices, figures, or tables.
  • Your assignment should include a title page and a reference list page (if using references), and be completed in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with appropriate header, page numbers, one-inch margins, and meet all other requirements of APA Stylebook.
  • One reference is required. Please format them in the most current APA format.
  • Please refer to the rubric associated with this assignment for detailed guidance about expectations and grading.
  • Please submit this assignment through Assignments in D2L by 11:59PM Central Time on Sunday.

In this course all your written assignments are expected to use APA Formatting and citation.  The following APA Style guide provides you with explanations, models, and resources for APA style formatting and citation. Purdue OWL: APA Format Guide.

Due Date

Jun 4, 2019 11:59 PM

ASSIGNMENT 8: Research and Analysis Review the agency and data presented in this section. Discuss one strength and one weakness of qualitative research. Then, imagine that you are using Grounded Theo
Please share information regarding your activities starting from your high school graduation which was in 2015 and through your enrollment at Strayer in Winter 2017 by submitting a resume or outline using months and years. If you were not working or in school, please provide a brief statement telling us what you were doing. Answer this by mentioning that right after my high school graduation I went to Pakistan for my sisters wedding. My stay got extended, meanwhile helped my dad with his construction business. As soon I came back I got enrolled at nova and took some basic classes towards associated degree, but due to change in concentration they couldn’t transfer it to Stayer university then mention about working part time at a company named CDS and got enrolled at strayer in 2017

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