demographic influences

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Question 1

Demographic Influences – List 6 demographic influences [hint chapter 6]

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Question 2

The Final Document – September 17, 1787, the Constitution was approved and the Constitution that was to be ratified established the following fundamental principles.

List the 5 principles as stated by the text book. Please make it a habit of writing the entire phrase and not what you think is important. Number your responses 1 through 5

Question 3

Madisonian Model – A structure of government proposed by James Madison in which the powers of the government are separated into three branches; executive, legislature and judicial.

List the 3 functions of the Madisonian Model and provide 2 examples of the theory of checks and balances between the 3 branches of government. Number your responses 1 through 5

Question 4

Define symbolic speech from the book and give 2 examples of symbolic speech
Symbolic Speech –

Example 1-

Example 2-

How has the court system evaluated [ruled upon] symbolic speech?
Define commercial speech
How has the court system evaluated [ruled upon] commercial speech?

Question 5

List the Civil War Amendments [three]
Describe briefly defined meaning of each. Note 2 Amendments only have 1 definition while the third Amendment has 3 definitions.

Question 6

List the 3 factors of political socialization

Question 7

List the 2 outcomes [court rulings] of Brown v. Board of Education Topeka
List the 2 outcomes [court rulings] of Alan Bakke v. The Regents of the University of California
List the 2 outcomes [court rulings] Plessy v. Ferguson
List the 2 outcomes of the Sleepy Lagoon Murder Case
List the 3 outcomes [court rulings] of Mendez v. Westminster and why was this case so important in the fight to desegregate education

Question 8

The Madison Model revisited. The third important addition to our governmental structure was he compiled the Bill of Rights from existing state constitutions. Why was this so critical in ratifying of the Constitution

Question 9

Inherent Powers – A special category of national powers that is not implied by the necessary and proper clause consists of what are labeled inherent powers. These powers are derived that the United States is a sovereign power among nations and must deal with these and other nations. Each nation must act in its own interest. List all 4 of the Inherent Powers and would you agree this was the basis of colonialism? Yes or No

Question 10

List 5 social movements current or past – note these are not listed in the book[s] but I am sure you have heard them in the news or maybe been involved in one too.
The definition from Chapter 7 of a Social Movement – A movement that represents the demands of large segment of the public for political, economic, or social change. This is just the definition to help you key in on the 5 examples.

Question 11

Economic Interest Groups

More interest groups are formed to represent economic interest that any other set of interests. Major sectors that seek influence in Washington D.C. include
List the 3 major sectors that seek influence in Washington D.C. and give 2 each real time examples. [list their names only no description needed]

Please number your response and make sure when answering the questions to get the answers from the attachments not google.

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