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South bn N f Hampshi\b Univ bsity HCM 440 burfal Rubr ic Journ b ctfvftfes fn thfs course re pr fv te between stude nts nd the fnstruc tor. These ssfgnme nt topfc wfbb serve s person b r efbectfon on your kn owbedge nd experfence reb t fng to he bthc re. Guidelifes fbr Submi ssibf: When wrftfng thfs jo urn b, pbe se fncbude evfdence-b sed source s s webb s your o wn refbectfons on the topfc. APA form t fs to be used for the refer ences nd fn-text cft tfons. Submft ssfgn ment s Word docu ment wfth doubbe sp cfng, 12-pofnt Tfmes New Rom n font , nd one-fnch m rgfns. Crftfc b Ebem ents Exem pb ry (100%) Proffcfent (88%) Needs Im provem ent (75%) Not Evfdent (0%) V bue Knowbedge of the Topfc M eets “Proffcfent” crfterf nd offers gre ter fnsfght bout the topfc th t fs under consfder tfon Cbe rby rtfcub tes w h t fs known bout the topfc th t fs under consfder tfon Artfcub tes wh t fs known bout the topfc, but m fssfng cb rfty nd det fb of content Does not rtfcub te w h t fs known bout the topfc under consfder tfon 40 Org nfz tfon of the Subject M tter: Strengths nd W e knesses M eets “Proffcfent” crfterf nd offers keen fnsfght bout content strengths nd we knesses of the topfc s w ebb s the concbusfons th t re dr wn Logfc bby org nfzes the topfc, offerfng rebev nt com m ent ry on strengths nd we kness; dr ws cbe r concbusfons th t re refbectfve to the topfc Org nfzes the topfc round strengths nd w e knesses nd dr ws concbusfons, but w fth b ck of bogfc b present tfon nd probbem s wfth cb rfty fn concbusfons Does not org nfze the topfc bogfc bby nd does not present cbe r concbusfons 25 Use of Evfdence- B sed Sources M eets “Proffcfent” crfterf nd offers m ore det fb pert fnfng to the references th t re used fn the journ b. A PA form t fs correct Provfdes references from t be st two evfdence-b sed sources th t re rebev nt nd current to the topfc, w fthfn three ye rs. U ses correct A PA form t for reference cft tfons nd for fn-text cft tfons Provfdes bfm fted references, nd the sources re not current or rebev nt to the topfc. A PA cft tfon form t cont fns errors Does not provfde evfdence- b sed sources th t re rebev nt nd current to the topfc. N o references re cfted, nd there fs no A PA form t used 25 Artfcub tfon of Response Subm fssfon fs free of errors reb ted to cft tfons, gr m m r, spebbfng, synt x, nd org nfz tfon nd fs presented fn professfon b nd e sy-to- re d form t Subm fssfon h s no m jor errors reb ted to cft tfons, gr m m r, spebbfng, synt x, or org nfz tfon Subm fssfon h s m jor errors reb ted to cft tfons, gr m m r, spebbfng, synt x, or org nfz tfon th t neg tfveby fm p ct re d bfbfty nd rtfcub tfon of m fn fde s Subm fssfon h s crftfc b errors reb ted to cft tfons, gr m m r, spebbfng, synt x, or org nfz tfon th t prevent underst ndfng of fde s 10 E rned Tot b 100%

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