Philosophy Assignment 2000 words

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Philosophy Assignment

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Philosophy Assignment 2000 words
FEEDBACK FROM PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT: Final comment: Submission Feedback Overall Feedback Well done Wafa, this was an insightful and well-written response to the prompt, which steadily advanced a coherent thesis: digitisation has increased the possibilities for a cinematic “realism”.  The main issue here was structural – you didn’t really introduce your position in the intro, and it wasn’t really until the conclusion that I had a good sense of what it was you were arguing. In future essays, make ssure you clearly articulate your position (with some concrete detail) right from the beginning of the essay, leaving both yourself and the reader in no doubt as to what the essay is trying to say.  Make sure you’re putting article titles in quotation marks, and a little bit more in-depth philosophical research would be helpful if you are aiming for the HD range.  In all though, this was a good effort. See markup for further comments Tim Deane-Freeman Overall comments separately attached. ASSESSMENT 2 INSTRUCTIONS: Instructions Due Date: 8PM, 8 October 2021 Late Penalty: 5% per calendar day (penalties will only start applying from 11:59PM on the due date) Word Count: 2000 words (10% tolerance); this includes quotes and citations, and excludes the list of references Extensions: If you need up to two weeks, please email me ([email protected]). If you need more than two weeks, you can also apply for Special Consideration.  Please write an essay in response to one of the topics below.  The essay must utilise at least three sources. Essays must be properly referenced, and they must provide a list of references featuring all (and only) the sources that the essay cites. Any referencing style is acceptable, provided it is used consistently and correctly. Make sure to consult the Deakin Referencing Guide for instructions. Essays will be scanned using Turnitin. You can self-check your work, and will also be able to see your Turnitin report here in order to help you identify any potential referencing problems. You can submit multiple files; only the one submitted closest to 11:59PM on the due date will be marked. (After three submissions, Turnitin will take 24 hours to process the next one.) You can find useful advice and tips for essay writing under Content > Assessment > Resources. It is highly recommended that you read through the guide on ‘writing a philosophy essay’ before commencing your research and writing. There are no specific formatting requirements – just make sure the font style and size are readable. We will contact you if we have trouble accessing or reading your document. How to submit Click on ‘Assessment’ at the very top of the unit site, and then on ‘Assignments’. Select Assessment Task 2: Essay 2. Follow the prompts to upload the file. There will be a space for comments, in case you need your marker to be aware of anything. Make sure that you’re uploading the right file and version; it’s a good idea to keep a copy of this and of the submission receipt email until you have received your mark. If you run into any issues with the submission process, just email me – we’ll figure it out together. Note to Mac users: Turnitin no longer accepts the Pages file format, so please submit your essay in a format that Turnitin can process (e.g. PDF, Google Doc). Topics Note on ‘artwork’: Some of these topics ask you to refer to artworks or forms of art. You are welcome to choose any examples that you find relevant to your argument. You should explain how they are relevant, but you do not need to devote a substantial portion of the essay to justifying that the works/media in question ‘count’ as art (unless this is important to your argument, of course!). You can use anything – visual art, performance art, literary works, digital art, conceptual art, music, movies, plays, sculptures, crafts, television shows, games, etc. 1. What does Kant mean when he writes, in the Critique of Judgement, that ‘the beautiful is that which, apart from concepts, is represented as the object of a universal delight’? (§6) Is he right? 2. What is involved, for Kant, in judgements of the sublime? Why does Kant think that experiences of the sublime are valuable? How persuasive do you find this account? 3. With reference to Nietzsche’s notions of the Dionysian and the Apollonian, explain and assess Nietzsche’s account of how tragedy contributed to the psychological health of its Greek spectators. 4. Can Nietzsche’s account of tragedy be extended to other forms of art? Explore and evaluate the relevance of Nietzsche’s analysis to contemporary art with reference to at least one artwork. 5. What is involved in taking a phenomenological approach to the analysis of art, and how useful is this approach today? Refer to at least one artwork and explore what you take to be the key strength/s and/or limitation/s of a phenomenological perspective on art. 6. Phenomenologists suggest that the ways in which we make and experience art both reveal and are shaped by the specifics of our embodiment. Explain and assess this view. 7. With reference to the notion of the sublime, explain what Lyotard means when he writes that postmodern avant-garde artists strive to ‘present that there is an unpresentable’. What, for Lyotard, is the wider significance of this work of the avant-gardes? Do you agree? Why or why not? 8. Compare and contrast Lyotard’s conceptualisation of the sublime with the one presented in Kant’s Critique of Judgment. Which account do you find more plausible? 9. Battersby argues that the notion of ‘genius’ has developed out of a patriarchal conception of the artist, which it serves in turn to perpetuate. Do you agree with her argument? Why / why not?  10. Janell Hobson suggests that the category of ‘beauty’ has long been deployed in such a way as to exclude and to disempower non-Western women. How do you think aesthetics should or could respond to this analysis? What should we do with the concept of ‘beauty’? 11. Kodwo Eshun describes Afrofuturism as “a program for recovering the histories of counter-futures”. What are the political and/or philosophical implications of such a “chronopolitics”? Explore this topic with reference to at least one work of art that you take to be relevant to Afrofuturism. 12. Afrofuturism and Afro-pessimism respond in different ways to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and its violent ongoing effects. Are these approaches reconcilable, or are they fundamentally incompatible? What, if anything, can aesthetics contribute to encounters between them? 13. Why do some people enjoy watching horror movies? Discuss with reference to at least one movie that you consider to be ‘horror’. 14. Creed argues that the horror genre exemplifies key aspects of what Julia Kristeva calls ‘the abject’. What does this mean, and is Creed right? Explore this question with reference to at least one work of what you consider to be horror. 15. Design your own prompt. This could involve anything from a small change to an existing prompt to something entirely different, provided that it still grapples with themes and sources from Weeks 5 to 11. This requires prior written approval from the Unit Chair. In order to take up this option, you need to email me your topic before you submit your essay; I will approve or ask you to refine it. If you submit an essay on your own topic without prior written approval, you will be asked to resubmit within a limited timeframe. 
Philosophy Assignment 2000 words
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