Read and analyze pages 388-390 in the textbook, these are the guidelines for creating strategic products. Create a strategic product using the data from the Topic 4 assignment on Tire Slashing’s. This

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Read and analyze pages 388-390 in the textbook, these are the guidelines for creating strategic products. Create a strategic product using the data from the Topic 4 assignment on Tire Slashing’s. This report would be utilized by the special crimes unit.

  1. Create the product title, note the nature of the data, state the geography, and the date range analyzed.
  2. Create necessary tables, graphs, and/or maps that illustrate pertinent information.
  3. Analysis and findings: You may use bullets or paragraph form. Utilize problem-solving techniques to produce your analysis. (word count 250-300)
  4. Disclaimers stating the limitations of the data analysis techniques.
  5. Recommendations to solve the problem and areas for future analysis. (250-300 words)
  6. Credits and dates; list the individual(s) who is (are) credited, the product, and the date it was created.

Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. Use only sources provided in resources, found in the GCU Library, or government websites.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Read and analyze pages 388-390 in the textbook, these are the guidelines for creating strategic products. Create a strategic product using the data from the Topic 4 assignment on Tire Slashing’s. This
JUS-640 Topic 7 Strategic Crime Product Scoring Guide Assignment Instructions: Read and analyze pages 388-390 in the textbook, these are the guidelines for creating strategic products. Create a strategic product using the data from the Topic 4 assignment on Tire Slashing’s. This report would be utilized by the special crimes unit. Grading Criteria Points Comments 1. Create the product title, note the nature of the data, state the geography, and the date range analyzed. 0/10 2. Create necessary tables, graphs, and/or maps that illustrate pertinent information. 0/10 3. Analysis and findings: You may use bullets or paragraph form. Utilize problem solving techniques to produce your analysis. (word count 250-300) 0/20 4. Disclaimers stating the limitations of the data analysis techniques. 0/10 5. Recommendations to solve the problem and areas for future analysis. (250-300) 0/20 6. Credits and dates; list the individual(s) who is (are) credited the product and the date it was created. 0/10 Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. Use only sources provided in resources, found in the GCU Library, or government websites. 0/15 While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 0/5 Total 0/100 ©2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Read and analyze pages 388-390 in the textbook, these are the guidelines for creating strategic products. Create a strategic product using the data from the Topic 4 assignment on Tire Slashing’s. This
1306330 – S A GE P ublic a tio ns © a ctiv it y a nd m ay le a d to erro neo us co nclu sio ns a bout p ote n tia l r e sp onses. In clu din g perc en ta ges in fre q uen cy ta ble s a nd ch arts a llo w s a co m paris o n of c a te g orie s a nd help s to in dic a te th e p re va le n ce o f a pro ble m . T his is p artic u la rly re le va nt w hen co m parin g acro ss d if fe re n t d ata sets . F or e xa m ple , T able 1 3.3 is a co m paris o n of d ata sets f o r 2 yea rs a nd sh ow s 2 10 stre et ro bberie s in Yea r 1 and 200 in Yea r 2 . T hese co unts a ppea r s im ila r w hen co nsid erin g th em alo ne. H ow ever, i f w e lo ok a t w hat p erc en ta ge stre et ro bberie s a re o f th e to ta l f o r th e yea r, Y ea r 1 has 8 5% , a nd Yea r 2 has 5 0% . T hese p erc en ta ges a re m uch dif fe re n t, e ven th ough th e fre q uen cie s fo r Y ea rs 1 and 2 are sim ila r. T his is b eca use th e n um ber o f o vera ll r o bberie s in cre a sed fro m 247 in Yea r 1 to 400 in Y ea r 2 , m akin g stre et ro bberie s a m uch sm alle r p ortio n of a ll r o bberie s in Yea r 2 . P erc en ta ge va lu es co uld pro vid e m ea nin gfu l in fo rm atio n fo r a n assessm en t o f a re sp onse to stre et ro bberie s in th is exa m ple . T hat is , e ven th ough th e a ctu al n um ber o f s tre et ro bberie s o nly d ecre a sed by 1 0, t h e p erc en ta ge o f th e to ta l r o bberie s d ecre a sed by 3 5, sh ow in g th at s tre et ro bberie s a re m uch le ss fre q uen t in Yea r 2 th an in Yea r 1 re la tiv e to th e to ta l. L ik e fre q uen cie s, p erc en ta ges ca n als o be d ep ic te d in ch arts . T he ty p e o f c h art m ost co m monly u sed fo r th is p urp ose is a pie ch art. W hen cre a tin g pie ch arts , c rim e a naly sts ty p ic a lly in clu de n o m ore th an five to seven ca te g orie s so th at th e slic es o f th e p ie d o not beco m e to o sm all t o see a nd la bel. J ust a s w it h ta ble s, c h arts ca n be u sed to co m pare a cro ss d is trib utio ns. F ig ure 1 3.2 a nd Fig ure 1 3.3 illu stra te th e re la tiv e p erc en ta ge o f s tre et ro bbery in both yea rs a nd allo w fo r a n ea sy vis u al c o m paris o n of th e d if fe re n ces sh ow n in T able 1 3.3 . N ote th at th e fi gure ca ptio n of e a ch ch art in clu des th e to ta l n um ber o f ro bberie s (i.e ., N m ea ns n um ber o f c a ses); t h is is im porta nt b eca use it p ro vid es co nte xt f o r th e p erc en ta ge va lu es illu stra te d in th e ch art. R ate In addit io n to usin g perc en ta ge, c o m putin g a ra te is a ls o an im pro vem en t o ver f re q uen cy to unders ta nd th e p re va le n ce o f a pro ble m . R ate s a llo w th e a naly st to co m pare fre q uen cy o f in cid en ts fo r d is sim ila r a re a s a nd lo ca tio ns. T he exa m ple g iv en fo r ra te s in th e p re vio us ch apte r u sed popula tio n as th e d en om in ato r. H ow ever, w hen an analy st is exa m in in g a pro ble m , u sin g popula tio n to co m pute a ra te m ay n ot a lw ays p ro vid e re le va nt in fo rm atio n fo r c o m paris o n. F or in sta nce, i t w ould not b e a ppro pria te to use p opula tio n to co m pare f re q uen cy o f c o m merc ia l b urg la rie s o ver s evera l a re a s b eca use p eo ple d o not liv e a t co m merc ia l b usin esses. A co m merc ia l b urg la ry ra te u sin g popula tio n w ould sh ow hig h ra te s in co m merc ia lly zo ned are a s b eca use th e p opula tio n co unts w ould be lo w . In c o ntra st, a ra te o f c o m merc ia l b urg la rie s b y n um ber o f c o m merc ia l b usin esses w ould s h ow th e re la tiv e n um ber o f b urg la rie s in dif fe re n t a re a s a cco rd in g to th e n um ber o f re le va nt ta rg ets . T able 1 3.4 d ep ic ts co m merc ia l b urg la rie s b y 1 00 ta rg ets (c o m merc ia l pla ces) p er b ea t. F ig ure 13.2 P ie C hart: P erc en ta ge o f S tre et R obbery (N = 247), Y ea r 1 1306330 – S A GE P ublic a tio ns © F ig ure 13.3 P ie C hart: P erc en ta ge o f S tre et R obbery (N = 400), Y ea r 2 A naly sts co m pute ra te s fo r p ro ble m s b y u sin g th e a ppro pria te d en om in ato r, d ep en din g on th e co m paris o ns th ey w ant to m ake. H ere a re so m e exa m ple s: P er d w ellin g or a partm en t u nit (e .g ., t o co m pare th e n um ber o f re sid en tia l b urg la rie s b eca use th e ta rg e

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