Help me to do the Nutrition Policy Portfolio

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The goal of this assignment is two-fold:

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(1) first understand how or why a policy, program, or issue has emerged or evolved and the politics surrounding its emergence or evolution and, then,

(2) suggest a new or modified policy solution.

My Policy: Food Marketing to kids ( I haven’t decide that to what certain ages or on television or to minorities, please decide that for me, the topic can not be broad)

For part 1: For this portion of the assignment, consider the following:

• When and why did the issue/policy/program emerge?

• How and why has it evolved?

• Think about the rationale for changes in it over time.

• What stakes are at play that may have impacted its evolution?

• Frame its evolution by presenting the various “sides” at play.

• Where do you see the policy headed in the future based on evidence or data that may be evolving and what you can find in the popular press. (NOTE: It is VERY important that you spend one paragraph talking about this. In YOUR opinion and based on the research you have just done on the issue and accounting for where the various “sides” see this issue headed, what do YOU think about the future directions of this policy or program? Where do you think it is headed and why? What is its potential?)

Summarize these issues in a paper to be no longer than two pages, single-spaced, no smaller than 11pt font with one-inch margins. Add page numbers and cite your references with superscript and a references list appended to the paper; either APA or Chicago style are fine, just be consistent. The reference list does not count as part of your page limit.

PLEASE use paragraphs to organize your content—this should not be one monster paragraph. Think about it in terms of writing a few big sections: an introductory section describing the policy/program/issue (e.g., What is it and what is its purpose—at a micro- and macro-level? When and why did it emerge [i.e., its origins]?); then another section on its evolution, broadly explaining the rationale for these changes and various sides/stakes at play; and then, finally, a paragraph reflecting on the future of the policy or program (e.g., Has it achieved what it was intended to achieve? Does it currently have funding or support to continue? How do its key stakeholders see it morphing in the future? And, finally, based on your research on this issue, what do you see as the future of this policy? Where is it headed in your opinion?).

Part 1 Grading: Summaries will be graded on context, thoroughness, quality of the information, and finally the form (presentation, grammar, and mechanics) and organization of content (organization, logic and coherence).

For Part 2: Once you have a good grasp on the policy, program, or issue, compose a policy portfolio to suggest a new policy or program or a modification to the existing policy or program that you think is feasible and will improve the policy, program, or issue in part 1.

You may advocate for any change or position, including strengthening or eliminating a program or provision. Students are encouraged to take a stance and support their ideas with strong evidence. Part 2 of the policy portfolio will contain three brief documents.

You will upload for part 2: A PDF of these three documents as one file or three files.

• A brief document that summarizes your proposed policy or policy change, the rationale for the change, and the expected effects of the change, including cost considerations (1-2 pages, single spaced, no smaller than 11pt font with one-inch margins). Include superscript references and reference list, either APA or Chicago style are fine, just be consistent.

• An op-ed prepared for a local newspaper (identify the newspaper) aimed at convincing readers to support the proposal (per newspaper specifications) OR A letter to the editor of a local newspaper (identify the newspaper) to inform readers of the importance of the proposal and to encourage action (per newspaper specifications: typically 400-1000 words, depending on the newspaper). Within the text, be sure to reference your evidence-based sources to increase your credibility (e.g., within-text you might say something like, “the University of Berkeley Center for Food Inequities study on xyz showed that….”).

• A tweet designed to reflect your position and to act as your elevator speech (max 140 characters).

Grading criteria will include:

• Adherence to requirements

• Depth of thought and research

• Clarity of your portfolio goal (including but not limited to: what you proposed was obvious to the reader and supported by strong evidence, the op-ed was tailored and personalized to the audience to which it were addressed)

• Consistency across pieces (the pieces should “hang together” like a campaign would)

• Form and organization of content: Quality of writing, presentation, grammar, mechanics, organization, logic and coherence

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