I attached milestone three

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For Final Project Milestone Three, you started a presentation draft that included visuals and speaker notes. It is now time to practice putting it all together. For this assignment, you will narrate this section of your presentation using the PowerPoint narration tool.

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Using PowerPoint, record your audio narration of your slides for the Plan section (Critical Element III: Plan) of your presentation. Your goal is to have a polished practice presentation. This will also allow you and your instructor to check that your technology works for this project. This task must be submitted in PPT or PPTX format and will be assessed on a pass/fail basis.

For guidance on the primary requirements for the presentation, refer to Section V: Presentation in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document.

For this practice check, you are required to include a combination of text, audio, and visuals in order to support your PowerPoint presentation. Use the Check file compatibility with earlier versions and Are you having video or audio playback issues? resources from Microsoft to help you check compatibility between versions of Office. Also, follow the instructions on the Zip a file Microsoft Support page to compress your presentation into a ZIP file.

When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.

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