Reading and Responding to Anecdotal Arguments The following TED Talks and articles make arguments from anecdotes. An anecdote is a brief story that illustrates an idea. Watch and read each resource be

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Reading and Responding to Anecdotal Arguments

The following TED Talks and articles make arguments from anecdotes. An anecdote is a brief story that illustrates an idea. Watch and read each resource below.

For EACH RESOURCE, write at least 3 sentences that summarize the main argument that is made by the speaker/author.

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Write an additional 2 to 3 sentences summarizing one anecdote the author uses to support their argument.

Then write a sentence explaining how the anecdote supports or doesn’t support the speaker/writer’s argument. Do you believe it? Do you think it’s good evidence?

For each resource below, you should end up with a total of 5 to 7 sentences.

1)Every Kid Needs a Champion by Rita F. Pearson  (Links to an external site.)

2)How to Overcome Our Biases? Walk Boldly Toward Them (Links to an external site.)

3)Healthcare Horror Stories (Links to an external site.)

4)A Different Story Along the Border (Links to an external site.)

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