UNITED STATE History (The Reform Impulse and Growing Sectional Strife)

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I have Three steps assignment about UNITED STATE History (The Reform Impulse and Growing Sectional Strife). This is a reading and writing assignment. I will provide you with link and access to the eBook.

Book: David Emory Shi, America: The Essential Learning Edition — Volume I, 2nd Edition, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. (2018).

Step 1 – I need 250-350 words in length to answer only one of the flowing questions (You can pick anyone of the flowing questions), Make sure to provide evidence, details or citation from the book or other sources.

Question 1: Two major cultural transformations during the 1800s were religious revivalism and transcendentalism. What did those two developments consist of and how can we account for their existence during this time period? What were some of the major outcomes?

Question 2: What were the roots of the reform impulse that swept the nation by the mid-1800s? What were reformers trying to change about the nation and why?

Question 3: Although a number of compromises had helped to stave off sectional strife related to slavery since the founding of the nation, those tensions approached a breaking point by the 1850s. What were some of the major steps towards compromise and why did they eventually fail? What were some of

Step 2– I will need a reply to a classmate answer about one of these questions. I will send you his comment after the 48 hours and you will have 24 hours to do it. You can reply with Agree or Disagree, and provide evidence, details or citation from the book or other sources. The reply should be between 150 – 250 words in length.

Step 3– Thinking Like a Historian 2 – 3 typed and double-spaced paper about (Unit Seven) — “Debating Separate Spheres”. I will text you more details.

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