Invest Like a Guru

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read the following chapters from the Lynch book, (

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Invest Like a Guru: How to Generate Higher Returns At Reduced Risk With Value Investing, by Charlie Tian (This is a good book that synthesizes the wisdom from Buffett’s shareholder letters and Lynch and provides a clear explanation of the most essential question in investing – how to value companies and make sure you don’t overpay).

and write a two-page
summary (post the summary here in attachment and also bring to class for
discussion. This summary should include: key things you’ve learned (in
bullet points); of the seven categories Lynch mentioned in Ch7 which one
comes easiest to you and why; and do a two-minute drill of a
fast-growing company you know as a preliminary candidate for investment
following the example in Ch11. While reading, try to get the key ideas
of each chapter without being bogged down into details. Note that even
if Lynch is one of the best investors out there, we still need to
exercise critical thinking and formulate a framework/approach that is
best fit to our own circumstances and capabilities.

Ch7 I’ve Got It, I’ve Got It – what is it (Focus on the Fast Growers
category since this is the focus of strategic investment in this class).

Ch10 Earnings Earnings Earnings (Understand why is earnings so key to investment)

Ch11 The Two Minute Drill (Follow the example in capturing an investment story)

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